Ok, I’ll try one more time. From your posts you are making assumptions, not testing, just throwing parts at it. I’m really wondering if you know what you are doing. First, you say one side is not firing at low speed, but how did you come to this assumption? Second, you threw a new coil at it but never tested the old one, did you set the air gap properly? Third, you said you cleaned the carb, how did you do that? Did you really pull it apart and make sure all jets were open, passageways clean, float level set properly and reassembled correctly with new gaskets? You state the air filter assembly is behind the choke. I’m sorry the air filter should be in front of the choke on every engine I’ve ever worked on and if it is getting full of fuel, the float needle is not operating properly. Now if you really want any of us to help you, you must start over by posting all engine numbers so we have a clue as to what engine you have. You must tell us exactly what you have done to this point, including why and how. If we make assumptions by using what you have told us so far, we are only guessing and assuming. You do know know that when we ASSUME we make an (ASS out of U and ME)