Its me again. After getting the wiring fixed the mower starts and runs better then it did when it was new. It has over 1150 hrs on it. Idles good, revs up good, doesn't back fire any more and runs super. I use it for several things and it is not unusual to run it 5 hrs a day. It was restarting when hot just fine. I thought all was well with this engine. All was good for 3 days & after about 15 hrs of running perfect it started being hard to start when hot again. I guess the DSAI modules are getting hot and not firing. Seems strange to me both modules would go out at the same time. They are OEM and suppose to last the life of the engine. Why would it not start on one cylinder? After the engine cools it starts fine. All the cooling fins are are clean. The whole engine is very clean. Is there any way I get more air to circulate where the modules are? Thanks for any help.