Okay so I went to change my drive belt and then next time I went to use mower. It blew fuse after about 30 seconds and completely died. So here is the trouble shooting I did with no luck. 1) replaced a spindle and one pulley that had shot bearings. Thought this my be causing it to pull too much of load. Still no luck. Tried running mower w/o PTO engaged ...works fine. Run my mower up and down the street with PTO engaged for at least 30 minutes...still no problem...run it over grass at the highest deck setting and it blows fuse within 30 seconds. Battery seem fine with output. The PTO when I pull it off and try and rotate the clutch....it feels very rough with a lot of drag/tension...not for sure if that is normal or not.... Throwing my arms up at this point....cannot believe that it is a coincidence that when I changed my belt that the next time I used it the PTO went out....this unit has about 350 hours on it...also I did check to make sure I put belt on correctly.