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When should I treat my lawn?




Now that I can see my lawn again I despair! I used some "weed and feed" last year to remove the moss and clover but it still looks patchy. When's the best time of year to treat it?




Kind of a sketchy discription of your problem.

I fertilize and treat my lawns about four to six times a year with small quantities. I never put out a large quantity as it can burn the grass. I also test the lawn before application of any fertilizer, Ironite or seed, since my neighbor works for USDA he runs the tests for me and I help with his yard. I would assume that you have a similar setup in the UK where you can get some sample testing to see what needs to be done to correct any imbalance in your lawn. This would be the best starting point.

Other things like aerating, overseeding, mowing and watering all have an important role over the course of time. Hard to be more specific without more information on your problem.




Is there a "do it yourself" test I can get to test my lawn? We have a farmer's co-op here; would they carry something like that (assuming it is available)?




I would think that if you are planning on seeding your lawn, then you want to wait till there is no risk of a hard freeze again any time soon. You won't have to wait long, but it'll take better if you do.




I'm afraid I don't take good enough care of my lawn and my wife has nagged me to improve how it looks. Getting it tested is probably a good place to start and there is a company advertising locally who will come and do it for me, so that's what I will do come Spring.
