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whats the point of a oversided MTD like this?





I understand if this was a Big 'ol Airens or Toro from back in the day..but the cheapness that things are made nowadays, I cant imagine this being any sturdier than say a 28" model(like the one beside it..which it shares all its drive components with)...oh it's 45" wide, weighs almost 500 lbs, the motor is generic and it costs $2600.00




Those seem to be somewhat popular around here, the school system has two here in town and the fellows at the school think fairly high of them. I have seen at least a half dozen around town here. Seems the larger places use those for snow, Exmark for mowing, and Stihl for trimming.




For small(ish) parking lots,and large driveways etc. pretty much a special purpose blower that would be happy in the long straight-a-ways. to finesse that blower in tight areas would be an issue i would not care to do. the dual tires would require wider than normal ramps if hauling in the back of a truck:thumbdown:,so utility trailoring it would probably be the the thing to do to transport. i looked at one last year to possibly buy one, but getting it out of my garage WITHOUT removing a vehicle first was out of the question,so i settled for a 30" blower that i can easily get in and out of the garage(with both vehicles in) and the 30" blower does a very good job and built very sturdy for my use.




These seem to be perfect for snow removal contractors to clean sidewalks of an apartment/condo complex. These developments in my area have 4 feet (48") wide sidewalks. They only have to go through once to clean the snow. With a 28", they'd have to do it twice, and time is money.
