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What would the world be like without Internet ?




I was just sitting thinking, what would the world be like today if the Internet wasn't around ?

Obviously, I'd be very upset about it, because I wouldn't be able to be a member of the best Lawn Mower Forum around! :thumbsup:

But on a serious note, what would it be like ?

People managed for years without it, but now it seems like even a day without internet can drive some people mad...




I was just sitting thinking, what would the world be like today if the Internet wasn't around ?

Obviously, I'd be very upset about it, because I wouldn't be able to be a member of the best Lawn Mower Forum around! :thumbsup:

But on a serious note, what would it be like ?

People managed for years without it, but now it seems like even a day without internet can drive some people mad...

For one thing, we would have a lot fewer ways to kill time. And we would have a LOT MORE PRIVACY !!!!




For one thing, we would have a lot fewer ways to kill time. And we would have a LOT MORE PRIVACY !!!!
:laughing: Yes, true!

The one thing bad about the internet (of quite a few I admit) is that waste of bandwidth - Facebook!

"Can't wait to see that new show tonight, LOL"
"Just been to the toilet, that new bleach smells great, LOL!"




I think the world would be a much better place. Don't get me wrong the Internet is a great tool. But too many people abuse it and rely on it for entertainment.
When I was a kid. We didnt even have cable tv. We played outside. Riding bikes, climbing trees, building forts, pick up games of every sport, swimming in the river or lake.
Nowadays you have to punish kids by taking away their Internet. And make them go outside and no surprise the nation is facing an obesity epidemic.
I have kids and they are not allowed to go on the computer or play video games until night time.
Thank god I work outside. Cause I don't think I could handle sittin in a office allday staring at a screen listening to the buzz of the florescent lights.

Sorry bout the rant. Bur that's how I feel




I think the world would be a much better place. Don't get me wrong the Internet is a great tool. But too many people abuse it and rely on it for entertainment.
When I was a kid. We didnt even have cable tv. We played outside. Riding bikes, climbing trees, building forts, pick up games of every sport, swimming in the river or lake.
Nowadays you have to punish kids by taking away their Internet. And make them go outside and no surprise the nation is facing an obesity epidemic.
I have kids and they are not allowed to go on the computer or play video games until night time.
Thank god I work outside. Cause I don't think I could handle sittin in a office allday staring at a screen listening to the buzz of the florescent lights.

Sorry bout the rant. Bur that's how I feel
You are entitled to your opinion :smile:




When I was a kid there was no internet but there was TV -- which I think is actually worse because it's not interactive -- you just sit there and take it in. :confused2:

Just because things like computers and TVs exist doesn't mean that we can't exercise restraint in using them. We humans need exercise as well as other types of balance in our lives.

And if the internet didn't exist the US Postal Service would still be in trouble but maybe not quite as much. :wink:




When I was a kid there was no internet but there was TV -- which I think is actually worse because it's not interactive -- you just sit there and take it in. :confused2:

Just because things like computers and TVs exist doesn't mean that we can't exercise restraint in using them. We humans need exercise as well as other types of balance in our lives.

And if the internet didn't exist the US Postal Service would still be in trouble but maybe not quite as much. :wink:

Well stated....I have been on both TBN and LMF several times today, but in the meantime I have walked at least TWO MILES push mowing and working in my garden, and hauling several wheelbarrow loads of yard debris back to my brushpile. Each trip back there and return is over a quarter mile, the return trip is a slight upgrade slope. I could always use my tractor and loader to move the debris, but that would be like driving your car a block to the 7/11 to get a Coke.




I think the world would be a much better place. Don't get me wrong the Internet is a great tool. But too many people abuse it and rely on it for entertainment.
When I was a kid. We didnt even have cable tv. We played outside. Riding bikes, climbing trees, building forts, pick up games of every sport, swimming in the river or lake.
Nowadays you have to punish kids by taking away their Internet. And make them go outside and no surprise the nation is facing an obesity epidemic.
I have kids and they are not allowed to go on the computer or play video games until night time.
Thank god I work outside. Cause I don't think I could handle sittin in a office allday staring at a screen listening to the buzz of the florescent lights.

Sorry bout the rant. Bur that's how I feel

I agree with you 100%...today's youth, and much of the population in general, have no real concept of what it means to actually exercise, do manual work, or do much aside from play with various electronic gewgaws and gimcracks. When I was a kid I did the same things you did, always active and it has helped me stay fit in my older years. Guy who lives down the road from me weighs 120 pounds more than me, he is so flipping lazy when he gets home from work, he parks by his mailbox and gets out to open his mailbox, then drives 80 feet to his garage. JEEZ !!!! A 160 foot walk once a day would be good for him, better yet a 1600 foot walk, but no.....too much work....:confused2:




I'll go even one better, what if we didn't have mobile phones. Remember when we had only beepers
and you had to find a phone booth.....that worked!

I see a lot of kids waiting for their bus but I don't see that many playing outside after school anymore.
I guess its easier to do your homework on the internet and eat a big mac at the same time. I'm like JD
I push mow part of my lawn just for the exercise don't have to but I do...cubby




I'll go even one better, what if we didn't have mobile phones. Remember when we had only beepers
and you had to find a phone booth.....that worked!

I see a lot of kids waiting for their bus but I don't see that many playing outside after school anymore.
I guess its easier to do your homework on the internet and eat a big mac at the same time. I'm like JD
I push mow part of my lawn just for the exercise don't have to but I do...cubby

I remember beepers, when I finally got my first two way pager, a RIM 950, the original Blackberry, in 2001, I thought this gadget has to be the ultimate thing...and ten years later it is so outmoded its laughable.

About Big Macs...has anyone noticed just how many fast food commercials there are on TV, they show these great looking, huge-and-larger-than-life meals that appear very different when you go to the seller to buy them. It should be illegal to advertise the way they do as it is deceptive.




I am routinely without the internet. My phone is out of commission for good. I'm at McDonald's right now.

I'll tell you this:

I went for years without the internet. I was no less informed, no less entertained, and no less socially active. Yes, the internet makes things easier, but it isn't the end all and be all of everything. I went for 6 years without the net, without cable, and without a celphone that did anything more than make phone calls - I know very crude, but still.

When I wanted news and entertainment, I turned on the AM radio. Got my national news stories in depth through these odd things they call newspapers. Went to those antique houses they call movie theaters to watch movies. When I was bored? I went for a walk, went to the beach, went to the fair, went to a zillion things that our communities put on like snowmobile races, skating events, festivals, etc. When I wanted to see my friends? I went to their house and SAW them. Odd indeed, I know. From another planet.

Know what? My life wasn't anything less than it is with the Internet and smartphones. Just a little slower and more easily savored.

My 2 cents on the matter. :smile:




:laughing: Yes, true!

The one thing bad about the internet (of quite a few I admit) is that waste of bandwidth - Facebook!

"Can't wait to see that new show tonight, LOL"
"Just been to the toilet, that new bleach smells great, LOL!"

What is your beef with Facebook? Here is what I posted today:

"Wow, it's Friday...got to sleep until 6 am. Fed the cats, took them out, cleaned the litterboxes. Picked 30 pounds of tomatoes, ate two pounds of them. Went to Goodwill, found a nearly new ironing board (Rowenta brand) for $5, will give it to my wife for her birthday gift. Filled my car and gas cans with 87 octane at Speedway, back home, began cleaning and storing outdoor stuff, as well as preparing the big deck stairs for sanding and staining next week...."

HOW can you say that isn't the most THRILLING AND ORIGINAL Facebook post EVER????? :laughing::laughing:




What is your beef with Facebook? Here is what I posted today:

"Wow, it's Friday...got to sleep until 6 am. Fed the cats, took them out, cleaned the litterboxes. Picked 30 pounds of tomatoes, ate two pounds of them. Went to Goodwill, found a nearly new ironing board (Rowenta brand) for $5, will give it to my wife for her birthday gift. Filled my car and gas cans with 87 octane at Speedway, back home, began cleaning and storing outdoor stuff, as well as preparing the big deck stairs for sanding and staining next week...."

HOW can you say that isn't the most THRILLING AND ORIGINAL Facebook post EVER????? :laughing::laughing:
Wow! I'm hooked now, you gotta keep posting! :laughing:




Wow! I'm hooked now, you gotta keep posting! :laughing:

OK....."Just went to the toilet, that new bowl cleaner sure works great...." :laughing:




You guys laugh about inane Facebook posts but I know people who have a real problem with the time they waste on their FB addiction.

I think the internet is a great thing but there are ways that a great thing can be overdone and become a handicap -- addiction to gaming is another example.




OK....."Just went to the toilet, that new bowl cleaner sure works great...." :laughing:
Oh, that reminds me. We bought some of that new Toilet Duck rim block things that sticks to the bowl. Works great! :thumbsup:

P.S. Good thing I noticed I accidentally pressed the F key instead of the D key when typing "duck"...




Life would probably be at a slower pace because without the internet we probably also wouldn't have the related/other technologies that fit into our daily lives.the internet gives a fast way to education,information,answers,and certain business related issues.but still nothing you can't find in a library or a major book store,again at a slower speed.i would also add that life with family and friends would be of more quality time...imo, discipline to manage and balance your life with the internet and family life is a key issue. so now i have to think what is out there in the future (50 years from now)that would make us say HHMMMM...life was sure different back in the internet days:laughing:




Life would probably be at a slower pace because without the internet we probably also wouldn't have the related/other technologies that fit into our daily lives.the internet gives a fast way to education,information,answers,and certain business related issues.but still nothing you can't find in a library or a major book store,again at a slower speed.i would also add that life with family and friends would be of more quality time...imo, discipline to manage and balance your life with the internet and family life is a key issue. so now i have to think what is out there in the future (50 years from now)that would make us say HHMMMM...life was sure different back in the internet days:laughing:

For people like myself, with hearing so poor they cannot use a conventional phone, the Internet is a huge time saver and a valuable resource. Have you ever considered the difficulties involved in making a doctor's appointment, calling into work from home, or or something like getting a tax question resolved or obtaining a burning permit from your local authorities, when you are unable to use a phone? A TDD is only a stopgap measure, and painstakingly slow, but with a Blackberry I can text, send emails, research Google, etc a hundred times a day or more if I want. I have a friend who is on my township board, our township is in need of volunteers to assemble new playground equipment next week. My friend asked me "contact the coordinators at this email address to volunteer...." I did, and in the space of a few hours later I had signed up for two days, found out what kind of tools to take along, learned I would get free meals and drinks, and even been able to download PDF assembly sheets to give me an idea of what was involved for the setup. All without making one phone call, or meeting one person, or driving one mile.





I did, and in the space of a few hours later I had signed up for two days, found out what kind of tools to take along,

Good for you JD, give a little back. I hope you enjoy yourself and meet some interesting people.




I'd go back to clearing my colon in a ramshackle outhouse, then using dry corncobs for toilet paper while fending off coyotes, before I'd give up the internet.

The internet means:

- Instant access to the total sum knowledge of mankind, once you know your way around a search engine. There are only a handful of libraries in the world with even a notable fraction of the information, and you'll spend hours or days retrieving it.

- The best price for any object one can buy, headed right to your house RIGHT FREAKING NOW.

- Communicating with old friends anywhere in the world, without imposing upon them while they're eating dinner or using their ramshackle outhouse.

- Interactive entertainment of limitless variety, anytime, and I'm not just talking about nudie pics.

- Education. Education, and oftentimes, education.

Sure it can be abused, but so can inhaling spray paint.




Just did a Google search about "inhaling spray paint while using a dry corncob", sounds like a real rush.
