5101403 1 PUMP, HYD, 10CC, LH, PE-1HQQ-DV1X-XXXX (was 5023093)
5101404 1 PUMP, HYD, 10CC, RH, PE-1KQQ-DV1X-XXXX (was 5023092)
Per the service manual for your mower.
If doing a complete oil change then you can use Mobile One 15w50 synthetic oil.
But according to the service manual you do not change the oil just the filter and top off the oil after the change.
The only time you do a complete oil change is when the oil is contaminated, severely degraded otherwise, or when you are repairing the pumps. Beside even if the pumps have a case drain plug due the way the pumps are sitting it will not drain their cases. So in order to change the oil the pumps have to be taken apart.