A part fell off my Husqvarna YTH2348 while I was mowing. I asked a friend with an outdoor power shop, but they couldn’t positively identify it. I think it might have something to do with the deck adjustment because it was very hard to move before this. I have the manual but it doesn’t show this part. I’ve made the picture smaller but it still won’t let me upload it. It’s a sort of J-shaped Rod with a hole in one end a ears on the other. I also have a bow tie cotter pin and washer that came off.
Most likely it is the stabilizer rod that attaches to the rear of the deck and the right side of the frame. It is a poor design and when the deck hits somethig hard on the left side it bends the rod and it falls out
Well that is the three possibilities off the top of our heads.
As for the image you might need to upload and resize to one the image hosting sites imgur.com. You might be able just pull the image up on your computer and using snipping tool to post the image.
I see these bent all the time on husqvarna mowers. Flimsey 1/4" rod. You can bend it back kinda straight and it will work. It is just there to stip sideways movement of the deck.