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What is this grass?




Any help on determining the type of brown grass in the photo attached would be great.
It started to appear some time last year or the year before and it slowly keeps expanding.

- Very thick (old mower would start to die out on it)
- Growing in noticable circles/ovals
- Seems to be overtaking the good grass I want

I know it's probably not the best photo but I'm having a tough
time. Right now the lawn is starting to green up but these circles
all aren't. During the summer it's less noticable as it's green
and blends in.

If it's something you recognize, any tips on what to do about it?
I might spray it with round up this fall and seed over those spots,
but I'm hoping they don't get much bigger or it'll become a big project..






A warm season grass of some kind. Around here we do as you suggested.




Looks like crab grass, or possibly bermuda? Not for sure though. What types are native to Rhode Island? You could check your local ag office, or nursery, and they might could tell you for sure.




I'm sure that is Bermuda grass, it will stay brown until the weather warms up a bit more and WILL outcompete your lawn grass during the late spring and summer.

You should defiantly take a clump of it to a nursery or extension office to verify that it is Bermuda Grass.

You should do some google searches to find what will work best for your area, but I'm guessing a lot of roundup... Digging... More roundup... Digging... Then maybe you can reseed/sod those areas. Good luck!




I'm sure that is Bermuda grass, it will stay brown until the weather warms up a bit more and WILL outcompete your lawn grass during the late spring and summer.

You should defiantly take a clump of it to a nursery or extension office to verify that it is Bermuda Grass.

You should do some google searches to find what will work best for your area, but I'm guessing a lot of roundup... Digging... More roundup... Digging... Then maybe you can reseed/sod those areas. Good luck!

Yep bermuda is very hard to kill.
