Hellow and thank-you in advance!! tractor prices should include attachments
V vsimon55 Forum Newbie Joined Oct 30, 2010 Threads 1 Messages 2 Oct 30, 2010 / vsimon55 #1 Hellow and thank-you in advance!! tractor prices should include attachments
V vsimon55 Forum Newbie Joined Oct 30, 2010 Threads 1 Messages 2 Oct 31, 2010 / vsimon55 #2 vsimon55 said: Hellow and thank-you in advance!! tractor prices should include attachments Click to expand... my cub GT2550used,$3000,a blade $750, blower$1400 tiller who knows,been trying to compare to all brands and have owned many colors Allis,Ford,sears,wards/MTD's
vsimon55 said: Hellow and thank-you in advance!! tractor prices should include attachments Click to expand... my cub GT2550used,$3000,a blade $750, blower$1400 tiller who knows,been trying to compare to all brands and have owned many colors Allis,Ford,sears,wards/MTD's