As with anything used, condition tells more than opinions. A badly treated machine that ranks high in people's eyes can still be a pile of poo.
This tractor seems to have the classic WH deck, which is a plus. It also seems to have the classic cast iron front axle. But, it also seems to have the vertical shaft/horizontal flywheel, which would indicate a peerless aluminum transmission. NOT the cast-iron transaxle WH was famous for.
Also, make sure it's really HYDROSTATIC, not a pulley-illusion. Look under it...if there is a big pulley in the center, with a belt in, and a belt to the axle, it's variable speed, NOT a true hydro. If there's only one belt going to the transaxle, then you'd be okay........IF the tranny is alright.
I'd go for condition. If it looks solid, and the tranny isn't leaking fluids from every seam, I'd take a chance, myself.
My :2cents: