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"Unstoppable" movie




Viewed it on HBO last nite, and thought the authorities and railroad employees were really stupid waiting until the last minute to try and use a portable derailer to stop the train. Any decent sized tractor with a backhoe and FEL could have been used in an isolated area to remove several lengths of rails to derail the train. But that would have been too simple, I guess.




Viewed it on HBO last nite, and thought the authorities and railroad employees were really stupid waiting until the last minute to try and use a portable derailer to stop the train. Any decent sized tractor with a backhoe and FEL could have been used in an isolated area to remove several lengths of rails to derail the train. But that would have been too simple, I guess.

My sister can turn a freight train up a gravel road...simply by looking at it with her "sexy eyes".




Viewed it on HBO last nite, and thought the authorities and railroad employees were really stupid waiting until the last minute to try and use a portable derailer to stop the train. Any decent sized tractor with a backhoe and FEL could have been used in an isolated area to remove several lengths of rails to derail the train. But that would have been too simple, I guess.
I know what you mean JD, and I always keep nitpicking when it comes to movies.

Like on Titanic, they show the engines stopping and going into reverse. I know for a fact there wouldn't have been near enough time for them to fully stop and engage reverse before colliding with the iceberg.

Also, on Christine they showed the doors locking, which was fine, but they had the lock buttons on the sills, the '58 Fury didn't have those!

Anyway, I could go on all night about movie faults, but I won't... Not tonight anyway.



Mini Motors

But what kind of movies would they be if it were so easy to solve the issue? In this movie, you don't have to know much about trains to know that as Denzel was making his way up the train and was stopped by a different type of car, that there are ladders on each end. So while he couldn't jump from one car to the next like he had been doing, it certainly wasn't anything that should have stopped him. I liked the film. I especially liked the end when they were commenting on what happened to the players, and the dude that caused the whole thing is "working in the fast food industry".




My wife don't like watching most movies with me,she says i constantly make remarks about the stupidity people pull :smile:

one of the worst movies is Jurassic park l ll and ll, the scenery and dinosaurs are awsome,... but the players!...are they ever stupid !! :rolleyes:
