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Trying to replace hood on a 12183 Pony Tiller




So last year I bought a pony tiller from a guy, and the first time I went to use it I couldn't get it to bite into the earth, eventually I realize that the depth regulator has snapped the bolts at the transmission cap, got those removed and replaced, but the hood was in real bad shape, dented up, hinge broke etc... so I decided to replace it. Originally the part number was 1917143 but that was superseded with 686-04078-0638

The problem I'm running into is it just doesn't appear to be the right dimensions, I can't get the bolts to the transmission to line up and the bolts at the depth regulator at the same time... and the gap cut in it for the regulator isn't long enough because the bit that the drag bar links to hits where in some models an extra hole was cut, and in others the one hole is longer

https://www.partstree.com/models/12...-121831199999/hood-bracket-depth-regulator-7/ this is the parts diagram for what I'm talking about...

Unfortunately I bought it during winter and waited for it to warm up a bit before trying to put it on, so returning it isn't possible, though I immediately noticed the difference in holes, just assumed I would need to cut it out larger

Has anyone swapped this out since the part number change?



mechanic mark

After researching, not too many Troy Bilt hoods around. I would get a friend, neighbor, etc. to assist in making it work, fabricate hood to fit, Drill new holes if you have to. Let us know how it goes, Mark




After researching, not too many Troy Bilt hoods around. I would get a friend, neighbor, etc. to assist in making it work, fabricate hood to fit, Drill new holes if you have to. Let us know how it goes, Mark
Hey Mark,

I messaged the folks I bought it from, just to see what ideas they may have had and after a little back and forth I realized that I'd replaced the transmission end cap, sure enough I put them side by side and the new one stuck out about 1/8th of an inch further, put the old one on and with a little force could get the hood to line up, brought the new cap to work and had a machinist mill it down, tomorrow I'm bringing the hood and having them cut a new slot in it. As I told them I could do it myself, but it'd look like a ravid beaver had cut it

Following up on this, everything worked out fine, new hood mounted and looks great
