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Troy Built with 15.5 hp 500 cc Briggs & Stratton engine runs poorly with lots of white smoke




Engine was running fairly good but started surging so I replaced the carburetor and crankcase air breather tube and now the engine produces a lot of smoke and will not stay running. Any ideas?




Have you checked the oil level and made sure it doesn't smell like gas. What color is the smoke. Black would be rich running from either a leaking carb, or gas in the oil. White/grey would lean hard toward a blown head gasket.




Have you checked the oil level and made sure it doesn't smell like gas. What color is the smoke. Black would be rich running from either a leaking carb, or gas in the oil. White/grey would lean hard toward a blown head gasket.
I'll check for gas in the oil. The smoke is definitely white/grey. Not being a mechanic, but just a weekend DIYer, what is the simplest way to check for a blown head gasket?




Lets start with is the replacement carb OEM or a generic Ebay or Amazon China carb. If the later then put the OEM carb back on that you took off because that maybe causes some of your run issues. And then run the engine a couple of minutes and shut it off, and then remove the dipstick. Smoke coming ouf of the dipstick tube would indicate blown head gasket




Lets start with is the replacement carb OEM or a generic Ebay or Amazon China carb. If the later then put the OEM carb back on that you took off because that maybe causes some of your run issues. And then run the engine a couple of minutes and shut it off, and then remove the dipstick. Smoke coming ouf of the dipstick tube would indicate blown head gasket
Ok thanks. After watching some videos, I am pretty sure it is the head gasket. There is oil everywhere coming out of the exhaust.
