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Troy Bilt pony started clicking and and jerking when in drive




Troy Bilt pony started clicking and and jerking when in drive now and then. It has progressively gotten worse and now won't move at all. I'm thinking the tranny is shot , or needs some TLC. Model # 233644, SN# 1B076B40138---- 2006




Before blaming the tranny check the drive belt, tensioner pulleys and tensioner arm. Old worn belt (more than 3 years), pulleys with worn bearings, tensioner are which does not move freely will cause these symptoms. When was the last time these parts were checked or replaced?




Before blaming the tranny check the drive belt, tensioner pulleys and tensioner arm. Old worn belt (more than 3 years), pulleys with worn bearings, tensioner are which does not move freely will cause these symptoms. When was the last time these parts were checked or replaced?
I did have it serviced, blades, oil, ex... Not sure if these things were checked? I will check them out - Thank you. The clicking sounds like two gears that aren't making a good contact. But I will check out the items that you mentioned thank you.




The model number does come as a valid number but I referencing a 13AN77TG766 2006 model.

Kinda sounds like you got the CVT transaxle with a slipping clutch dog which means the internal drive shaft PN 918-04079 needs replacing.




If your Pony has the variable pulley between the motor and the rear end, check to see if it spins freely. I just found the bearings on mine have gone bad, seized. $20 each, takes 2. Check belts while it's apart.
