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Troy Bilt Bronco Brakes




I have a Troy Bilt Bronco 13yx78ks011 and the brake rod doesnt have enough throw to engage the brakes. It's almost like the brake rod that connects to the spring on the caliper is too long. I did notice that its hanging down below the frame. Theres nowhere to adjust it and nothing is bent. Its like the spring needs to be about half its length, but it doesn't look stretched out.

Any ideas?




If you set the parking brake, is the spring tight? If not the spring has stretched. Not uncommon on an eleven year old unit. If it is tight your brake pads are probably worn out. You might try tightening the nut on the brake assembly. Here is a parts breakdown showing where the assembly is located. https://www.jackssmallengines.com/j...odels/13aj771g231-2009/transmission-918-04566




The spring seems tight no matter the position of the brake pedal. The problem is that the rod is too loose amd theres no apparent way of adjusting it.




I’m sorry, but I can’t understand how the rod can be loose if the spring iis stretched tight. The rod puts the tension on the spring. Push brake pedal down, rod is pulled forward tightening the spring, pulling the brake arm.




Yeah, my fault. I mean that the spring is tight wound to itself. An extension spring thats not extended.




If that picture is with the parking brake engaged then I am thinking the problem isn't the spring or so much the rod as the rod isn't connected to the pedal rod. Item 53 connected to its slot in item 4





Yes. It's connected correctly. Sitting in the slot like it should. It just seems like the rod is too long. When the parking brake is engaged, there's not enough throw to move the rod. But there is also nothing to adjust it.




You will have to find an assistant and do what the techs have to do when they get into this position. With the unit jacked up like you have it, you will have to crawl under the unit and watch what happens while your assistant applies and releases the brake pedal. What you are looking for is why the brake rod is not being pulled fully forward. One thing I have found in the past is the bracket which the rod is installed will crack and bend back, not allowing the rod to move fully forward.




Here's a video.

Only conclusion is that either the spring or the rod is too long.




Unless someone has replaced the rod or spring I doubt either are too long. Did you check to see if that slotted bracket is properly welded to the shaft? The rod should be fully back in the slot when the brake is off.




What you see in the video is the system at rest, brake off. Then I press the brake.

I don't see any broken welds on the shaft. Everything on that side of things is secure it moves with the brake pedal as it should. The rod is just not sitting where it's supposed to and I don't know why.




Check the area where the brake pedal is attached to that cross shaft. I’m betting something is wrong somewhere along that shaft. Bent rod, cracked weld, twisted shaft, etc.




Is it an optical illusion or is the front of that transaxle tipped down in your first picture. Just looks tilted forward like the front support bracket has either broken or came loose.




Check the area where the brake pedal is attached to that cross shaft. I’m betting something is wrong somewhere along that shaft. Bent rod, cracked weld, twisted shaft, etc.
I just don't see anything unusual. All the stops are interfacing with their counterparts where they should. The pedal is where it should be at rest. Parking brake lever works and holds the shaft. It's all one piece. No welds are broken.

I guess maybe the rod has bent at the 90 somehow, but even that looks fine.




Is it an optical illusion or is the front of that transaxle tipped down in your first picture. Just looks tilted forward like the front support bracket has either broken or came loose.
illusion. transaxle is securely bolted in place.




I suppose my next option is to completely remove the brake/drive pedal assembly. I don't know what else to do.




Yes. It's connected correctly. Sitting in the slot like it should. It just seems like the rod is too long. When the parking brake is engaged, there's not enough throw to move the rod. But there is also nothing to adjust it.
Did the brakes work before? Rods don't grow.




It's been like this the entire time I've had it. Haven't had time to pull the assembly apart, but looking at the replacement part tells me that as long as the pedal returns home, there's no way for the welded slot to move. I may end up cutting the rod and re-bending the hook end. Or I might just sell it.




Why don't you confirm the brake rod length? It suppose to be 25-1/2 to 25-3/4 in length.




Why don't you confirm the brake rod length? It suppose to be 25-1/2 to 25-3/4 in length.
Until this post, I didn't know how long it was supposed to be. I'll go look.

Edit: right at 25.5




Okay is the lever on brake making it full arc. if so then either brake caliper needs adjusting or someone put it back together missing the engagement pins or the brake pad. There is also a pad behind the disc rotor.




That's where my problem is. The brake rod isn't getting enough stroke to activate the brake caliper lever.




This may be the dumbest question I’ve asked but is the transmission tight on the frame? I vaguely remember having a unit where the transmission was loose and moving forward, which will shorten the rod length needed. Just gasping at the unknown.




Heres a sketch





This may be the dumbest question I’ve asked but is the transmission tight on the frame? I vaguely remember having a unit where the transmission was loose and moving forward, which will shorten the rod length needed. Just gasping at the unknown.
It hasn't appeared loose, but I'll get the frame in the air and see if there's any adjustment in the bolts.




The transmission only mounts to the frame in holes. No slots and no room for adjustment. Additionally, there aren't any drag marks where it would have slid forward.

Looking at the system, it would have to move forward at least an inch to be this far out of adjustment.




I am assuming this problem started quickly and not gradually. If you look at the parts diagram at the brake pedal shaft (Item 4) you will notice 2 levers attached to the shaft. The slotted one at the distal end and another lever with 2 holes near the #65 on the diagram at the proximal end near the pedal. When you watch the video the slotted lever and it's attached rod (#53) is the primary interest; however, when you look at the proximal lever near #65 and the rod attached to it, you will notice that the bend in that rod causes it to hit the brake shaft (item 4) preventing the pedal from being pressed further. In turn, that prevents rod #53 from moving forward. I believe the bent rod attached to the lever (near #65) has been attached upside down. If you turn it over, the bend in the rod will allow you to push the pedal further down allowing rod #53 to be pulled further forward and applying more pressure on the brake. The diagram doesn't show the bent rod, so I am not sure it is upside down. Theory is based on the video. What do you think?




I am assuming this problem started quickly and not gradually. If you look at the parts diagram at the brake pedal shaft (Item 4) you will notice 2 levers attached to the shaft. The slotted one at the distal end and another lever with 2 holes near the #65 on the diagram at the proximal end near the pedal. When you watch the video the slotted lever and it's attached rod (#53) is the primary interest; however, when you look at the proximal lever near #65 and the rod attached to it, you will notice that the bend in that rod causes it to hit the brake shaft (item 4) preventing the pedal from being pressed further. In turn, that prevents rod #53 from moving forward. I believe the bent rod attached to the lever (near #65) has been attached upside down. If you turn it over, the bend in the rod will allow you to push the pedal further down allowing rod #53 to be pulled further forward and applying more pressure on the brake. The diagram doesn't show the bent rod, so I am not sure it is upside down. Theory is based on the video. What do you think?
That bent rod is #56 in the diagram.

If the brake lever didn't have full throw, I would tend to agree. However, I can move the brake pedal from stop to stop. It's able to activate the brake switch and even engage the parking brake. What the video is showing is the brake pedal's full throw.




Kinda sounds like you going have to start shorting that 4" spring.




Brake pedal all the way forward.




You should check the 2 small push pins behind the arm that is actuating the outside brake pad. Inner pad does not move when pedal is pushed down. These pins rust in the caliper and can't push pad against the rotor.




I got the brakes working. Problem was the nut between the steering wheel and the seat.

On this particular mower, what I was looking at in the "brakes engaged" state, was actually the brakes engaged. The spring isn't supposed to stretch any. I set the brake bar nut tension correctly and the very tiny amount of movement it had was able to engage the brakes. I can't explain why or how, but everything is working like it should again. Thanks, everyone, for the help.

They really don't make things like they used to.




I got the brakes working. Problem was the nut between the steering wheel and the seat.

They really don't make things like they used to.
And I getting slow as to what you meant but considering it is 11:30 at night I should be a little slow. But I had to make a porcelain run (BP meds causes that here) and check on the storm. I also had a connection problem between the screen and keyboard.

And no they don't make anything like they use to. Although I would like to had seen a little more pull then I did in the video.
