Hi all , I have a New (last summer) Toro Titan 75314 48 inch cut. When I bought it last year, salesman thought the hydros were sealed. My owners manual shows 2 different setups. One with hydro filters and one with out. I have the ones with filters. right hand 147-2861 and left hand 147-2860. there is a hydro service kit 144-5347. No where in my owners manual does it even mention the hydros let alone servicing them.
Is there a Toro Tech that can shed some light on this for me? Thanks , Matt. By the way, I did pull the clutch and pully off the engine and put never seize on them. Some one will appreciate it in about 10 years.
First the oil is drained by removing the filters.
Then item #11 so you install the fill adapter in the kit. then you put the pump in a bottle and connect the hoses. You pump oil in until it overflow out the overflow port on the adapter. You use the two port fitting and not the single port fitting. Once fill cycle the transaxle a few time while the engine is running to fill the filter(s). Then you top off the oil and secure the port plug you initially removed.
Also you can use Hydro Gear PN 72750 OIl change and the 55752 fitting. Therefore you can save some money by not paying the Toro surcharge on the oil kit.
Star Tech and Rivets, Thank You so much. At my rate of 20 hours a year, I have 4 years to go. I asked for someone to shed some light. You guys hit it with a flood light. Thank You! Doesn't seem too hard to do. But when the time comes, I will make sure I don't have anything scheduled that day.
Thanks , Matt.
The hardest part is getting the fill plugs out. They can be stuck at times.