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Toro Recycler will not start when setting more than a week




What can I do to keep this mower in operating condition when I don't start it every week? I've been told to use the highest octane gas and still not starting? Frustrated and ready to sell it and buy a B&S with primer button.



mechanic mark

If it has a kohler engine, yes I would consider switching. My oldest son, living in another city, has a Honda that I purchased new in 1990, still going strong. I would do some research, read reviews, then go try whichever you choose out. I paid quite a sum for the HR215SXA in 1990, I'll say it was a mighty fine purchase.
Just in case your interested:Honda Lawn Mowers - HRX HRR HRC HRS Mowers shop for best price on whatever you choose & remember if you purchase from a dealer, more chances than not he'll have mower back to you asap. vs. purchasing from elsewhere & waiting 2-4 weeks to get it back.



Blaine B.

My dad has a 2009 Toro Personal Pace with a primer-less B&S engine and it never has starting problems.

Has your mower always had this problem since new?
