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Toro Recycler Model # 20465




Hello all,
My Toro Recycler Model # 20465 has been a work horse ever since I bought it back in 1995.

However, the housing control has gone bad? The control lever does not return to the "middle position" and something seemed to be loose within the plastic housing that contained the control gear. Unfortunately, when I tried to see what was wrong, and opened up the plastic housing all the pieces shot out and now I don't know how to put them all back together. Should'a left it alone but I thought it would be a quick fix! Anyone have a diagram of how all the pieces fit back together?

Thank you,




Please explain what part you are calling the control lever. Speed or throttle? Also include the units serial number.




Thank you Rivets. The Toro I mentioned above was purchased in 1995. It has been a work horse and has never given me any trouble until the "Control Housing" broke internally. The serial # of my Toro is 5908238. I have attached two photos to show what I mean by the "Control Housing." There aren't that many parts involved, but I can't figure out how they fit into the plastic housing. FredSG





That’s what I was afraid you were talking about. They are fun to reassemble even when you have done it hundreds of times. I’ve attached the service manual for your unit, which will definitely help you out. Patience and an assistant are going to be you greatest asset. Start with section eight, read it twice before attempting to reassemble and have a paper copy or computer handy as you proceed. Come back with questions. https://www.toro.com/getpub/22446
