Toro Personal Pace Tecumseh won't start spark susoected


Forum Newbie
Aug 31, 2014
  • / Toro Personal Pace Tecumseh won't start spark susoected
I have a Toro with a 1955 CC engine family - 7TPXS,1951BC 6.5 HP Model LV-295XA
I just bought it at beginning of summer used and apparently abused although it started fine when I looked at it. I was told many lies about it, there was a time when it would have set off alarm bells in my head but dealing with cognitive problems from a brain disease now and didn't catch the lies. Anyway, I find out they don't even make this engine anymore, that it isn't worth putting much money in it even though we gave good money for it and after mowing a number of times it began not wanting to start and then once in a while it will start for you. I looked at plug in shade with hand around it and against block as someone pulled the rope and I couldn't see any spark. Took the top covers off and looked at magneto but don't really know what I am looking for, nothing obvious. Then it starts and runs several times within that evening. Now won't start again, tried doing the same things and still won't start. Should add that before I started checking spark I put a new plug and air filter in it. When I take the new plug out it looks a bit black and oily which makes me wonder if it is burning some oil as well. It has had 2-3 times after starting it where it all of a sudden blew a bunch of blue smoke for a very short time and then completely quit which I also didn't know what to think of because I can't remember a mower of mine doing that and it seemed to work fine after that but I have been worried that I got taken, quite obvious now, and that it wasn't going to last long.

I was told it was serviced yearly by the local Toro dealer and that has to be a complete lie given that so many things were not serviced such as air filter, gas tank leaks and the plug looked old and was not a plug the dealer sells. The seller also had this mower off Craigslist and a different one on there by the time we got home. First clue, it was also one he said was his and not for sale. Beware of buying in Pleasant Hills, IA from an older guy that looks respectable, nice house and honest. He's not!

Any help on whether there is any reasonable priced fix for this one are appreciated or whether it is not worth it, a mower mechanic at a Toro dealer told me that it wasn't worth putting much money in to it but always want more than one opinion on that.


Lawn Addict
Jun 24, 2012
  • / Toro Personal Pace Tecumseh won't start spark susoected
What did you pay for it?

Sounds like you may have a number of things going on, first sounds like your carb is dirty contributing to your hard start, second sounds like your coil may be going out best to check for spark in a dark environment. You want a nice blue spark.

I am all for raising mowers from the dead however depending on how much you spent and how much you may be looking at getting this going with this particular engine (bleck) You may just need to count it as a loss and find a new machine