Right off,.. SHAME all over me ! I totally over-looked wishing ADMIN & the MODERATORS a Merry Christmas !! ..:ashamed:..:ashamed: SOoo, belated Merrrrry Chrisssstmas ! AND, a Happy & Prosperous New Year, I truly regret the oversight, on my part, I offer no excuse. My sincere apology ! I want to Thank you folks behind the scenes, for your dedication to this site, and giving ALL the folks that visit, a place to feel welcome, and find help and even friendships. I guess the "Easter Bunny" gave you folks a "Spam-Slaughtering Weapon" because I sure haven't noticed any since about the first few months of the year, I'm sure you may find a bit of pleasure in knowing, ( and many don't post it, ) that a great many of us are grateful, and admire your dedication, to the works you do, to make the site what it is, ..God Bless everyone of you ! ..:thumbsup:..:thumbsup: