Thinking of going to a Lithium Iron Prosphate (LiFePO4) Battery


Active Member
May 31, 2018
  • / Thinking of going to a Lithium Iron Prosphate (LiFePO4) Battery
"Without the maintainer in the off season (which is short here in TX) the battery would fully discharge and die in a year."
But this would be true regardless of the battery type..........
True however lipo has bms which better protects the battery from total discharge unlike LA which will go totally dead and do damage. In this situation lipo has an advantage but I don’t think it is worth the extra cost due to the harsh environment annd the following….. lipo will not get a full charge from a LA designed charging system. Internal cells never get balanced and shorten the life. Just some well know differences in battery chemistry.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2024
Anything 'Lithium' has become a buzzword- it's more for extended storage, solar and deep cycle applications and a lawnmower isn't any of those, unless decreased charge level due to sitting is included. Charging is different, the weak electrical systems in mowers doesn't make them compatible and the added cost really doesn't make sense. A good flooded lead/acid battery that's occasionally charged should work for years and if someone doesn't want to charge it constantly, a smart outlet with daily or semi-weekly charging periods will make sure it never goes dead. Even better- install a solar panel of sufficient capacity for a battery as reserve, then run the charger on that or rewire the shop/garage's lights to run on solar and size the system accordingly. Add an occupancy sensor and the light switch won't be needed.