question is does anyone have a toro with their Chinese toro engine on it? Models 20372 20373 and 74....just wondering how they perform. Also how reliable are they? Heard nothing but good about the Honda but if I can spend less buying a toro I the briggs 190cc any good as well?
I'm a Toro guy, but when Toro came out with these new engines four years ago I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for them. To Toro'o credit they listened to the dealers and the mechanics and have worked out the bugs. I can now go back to strongly recommend them again. Our best seller is the 20381. It has the non rusting cast aluminum deck and better drive wheels than the 20371. Definitely worth the extra buck upgrade.
Thank you...I assume the 20381 is the super recycler?...are those blades easy to get should something happen and I have to replace them? They have wings on them right? Same engine as the 20371? Just a red cover instead of black? Thanks for your input
I would put the mulching capability of the Toro and the Honda as being both excellent. I personally feel that the PP feature of the Toro is much better than either of the Honda's, but remember I'm a Toro guy.