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1965 Work Bird with Wisconsin engine. Been sitting for years. Controls rusted up. No spark. Gas left in carb. Plus the 50 other things i will find when I dig into it




Maybe this manual will be of some help, I’m assuming you have a TR-10D engine. Haven’t seen one of those since the mid 70’s. Just a heads up on those Wisconsin engines. Timing can be tricky, as they can be both staticly and dynamicly timed. Auto guys say to do it dynamicly and small engine guys do it staticly. Service manual https://www.gardentractortalk.com/d...d--tr-10d-instruction-book-and-parts-list.pdf
Parts manual. https://www.pittauto.com/customer/piauel/pdf/Wisconsin_tr_tra_series.pdf




Thanks for the links. I am hoping that it is just the points. He wants this for a show on the 8th. The guys who brings me all these relics is a bit of a wheeler dealer. This thing is rare enough he wants to keep it. He just sold 5 pieces. 2 of them were Struck Big Job tractors. That leaves him 1. He said he has enough stuff to keep me busy till Christmas LOL.




I wonder who the rocket scientists were that thought putting the sediment bowl where you can't even come close to reaching it leat alone removing the bowl. Full of bad gas. I guess I will have to pull the tank to get to it. Compress_20240702_111357_7580.jpg
