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The future of snapper




Briggs has licensed Snapper brand to Daye North america. Looks like they also have rights to the Murray name. Daye entered the US market in 2018 from North Carolina and will market the Snapper name to box store and dealers. Daye had a new manufacturer 5M square foot factory in China.




Just another one of our products going the Chinese....American companies are just sell outs...And we will be at the mercy of the Chinese if this keeps happening.


Craftsman Garage

Craftsman Garage

Man, imagine 4 more years of this. 😐 Bring these companies back to America. We would get better quality and more jobs. The Us should never be dependent on another nation. If prices get higher than they are right now, we're done for. Remember, the government was created FOR THE PEOPLE, By the people, to protect the people. 🇺🇸




Bring back some Wisconsin Robins, Yamaha, Subaru and FJ-180's.




Such a shame. The 21" Snapper Ninja Commercial mower was creme of the crop.


Craftsman Garage

Craftsman Garage

I had one of those old snapper RERs. What a beast. The thing caught on fire twice, still ran like a top. 😦
