New to the forum. Learned long time ago to ask the experts if you want to learn something, so here goes.
I have a Tecumseh OH180 that has quit running and I can't get it started. Getting spark, good compression ( 120 psi ) , but it floods out very quick.
Had the carburetor rebuilt, but still floods out. It has electric fuel pump as the fuel tank is below the engine. Looking for some wisdom as to what would could be my problem. The engine is in a Case 1816 uni-loader, so it is sitting in the middle of my shop and I can't move it without the engine running.
Any advice would be welcomed.
Needle valve is not sealing or float is out of adjustment. That is if it is flooding. What make you think it is flooding?
Have a few questions before we can help you. As Blaz asked "Why do you say it is flooding?". Would you please post the entire engine number? Is the engine original or a repower? What size and type of electric fuel pump are you using? Who rebuilt the carb and did they use a complete rebuilt kit or old parts? How was it running before it quit? We are not there looking at the unit and you must paint us a very complete picture of what we are dealing with. You must be our eyes, ears and fingers, plus a great communicator.
Thanks for response. I say flooding because before the carb was rebuilt ( by a local shop ) using new rebuild kit. It would send gas out the exhaust and have a lot of fuel in the cylinder . After I installed the rebuilt carb it still puts a lot of fuel in the cylinder, but doesn't send any out the exhaust. The engine is Model # is OH180-180005C -- Serial 4117E. The engine is original as is most of the rest of the machine. The fuel pump looks to be aftermarket -- Facet automotive electronic fuel pump. It was running ( though hard to start ) when it died on me. It cut out on me a couple of times then just quit running. Could not find any numbers on the carburetor, just WHG Walbro. I have replaced fuel filter, spark plug and air cleaner.
That helps me out a lot and fills some holes. I'll get back to you tomorrow morning, have to do a couple other things which I have to do tonight.
This does not call for an electric fuel pump it call for an impulse fuel pump. I do not believe that the carb is capable of with standing the pressure of an electric fuel pump. That is where I would start. Temporarily move the gas tank high enough for gravity feed and remove the electric pump and see how it runs. 35800 Impulse Fuel pump
Blaz is correct. The electric pump may have too much pressure to work with that carb. Can you find a model number on that pump so we can look up it's pressure ratiing.
Sorry for not getting back sooner, but life,work and grand kids have priority over this problem.( for now).
I have disconnected the fuel pump and tried gravity flow to carburetor , BUT this still did not work.
The fuel pump has only Facet automotive electronic fuel pump made in USA. UL listed 574A and
e11*72/245*95/54*0535*00. on a sticker. The existing fuel pump was on the machine when I got it and from the looks of things has been on it for some time.
It has been hard to start from day one and I've had it about a 18 months.
Thinking about taking carburetor off and having another shop look at it, as I wouldn't know what I was looking at if I disassembeled it.
Is there any way to check strenght of spark or timing ? It doesn't have points. It turns over and is getting spark ,but just doesn't want to fire up.:confused2:
Thanks for your patience with me.
The spark looks blue in color
The spark plug is very wet after trying to start engine. The carb has 2 adjustment screws on it . Both where screwed all the way in when I got it back from the local shop that rebuilt it for me. I have been backing out both screws 1/4 turn at a time and trying to start engine. When I get them out far enough to get fuel flowing the engine floods out. It seems to be all or nothing with the fuel. I can't find a mech that will make a house call , so I have to do this on my own. FYI --the engine is on a skid steer and can't be moved unless engine is running the hydrostatic motors. With your help this engine will run again !!
If I was there it would be a 30 minute job, but trying to explain how to fix it, way to long. I have attached a service manual for your engine which I hope you can understand. Paste this site into your browser and it should go to the manual. Section 5 has your carb, but do not do anything until you read it. In my opinion you are going to have to take the carb off and go through it. Before removing the carb try to reset the mixture screws according to the manual. Then try starting the engine. If engine will not start, try spraying some carb cleaner into the carb and try starting. If not luck you will have to remove carb and check it over. I'll try to watch for this thread if you have any question.
Thanks for link. I tried starting engine by setting adjustment screws to spec. Would not start ! I took carb off and apart, but didn't see anything inside that looked bad ( good thing because I paid local shop to rebuild it ). Next move was to start with adjustment screws all the way closed and start backing them out a little at a time . Engine finally started and ran for a while ( 5 min ) , I shut engine off and now it will not restart :frown: What should I try next ?
Make sure you read the section on overhead carbs in the manual before starting. Try this, set the idle mixture screw 1 turn out and the high speed mixture screw 1 1/4 turns out from lightly seated. Start the engine, you may have to spray a little carb cleaner into it to get it going. Open the choke up slowly and keep it running with the choke until it warms up. Then slowly adjusted the high speed mixture until it runs smoothly. With this done reduce speed down to a little over idle and adjust the idle mixture screw. Remember what they talked about in the manual, yes I know that what I am saying is a bit different. At this point it should run smoothly at high speed and just about idle, plus it should be good and warm. Now drop the speed down to idle and readjust the idle mixture screw. Post back your results, if it doesn't work, be very clear what you did and what happened when. Remember we cannot see what is in front of you, you are our eyes, ears and fingers, plus at this point you must be a great communicator.
Just thought of this, are you sure the gaskets in-between the carb and manifold, plus the manifold and block are new or in very good condition? Any leaks here will cause us problems.