Rivets, Thank you for your thoughtful, detailed reply. I will rebuild the old one if I can. Aside from the lure of the low cost of the aftermarket carburetor, I was worried about re-using the original one because the nipple where you attach the fuel line was a plastic piece that was pressed (glued?) onto the body of the carburetor and it came loose when I was taking off the fuel line. It is OK to glue it back on? If so, what type of glue would be OK?
Again, thanks!
slomo, I tried the Chinese plug and a new Champion one with no benefit. As far as your question about whether this is a fishing experiment; what is it that I would be fishing for? I took the time to type out a long post so that any reader(s) could see what I had already tried and go on to things I might have missed. I am good at fixing lots of things but I am not a pro at any of them. When I cannot make something work correctly, I want to learn what I missed. If I cannot figure it out, I will take it to a pro to be serviced.