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I have a STX38 yellow deck and I bought a new chute and hinge and for the life of me I can't figure out how the spring goes, can any body draw me a diagram of how it goes. I looked every where I can think of. and I can't find anything on how it goes.




I sure hope this is the one I am thinking of.

On your chute there is a metal hinge where your chute bolts to, so you take the spring with one tail laying on the hinge and the other end of the spring pointing towards the deck, then start your rod through the block on the deck, metal hinge, and into the spring, then take the other end of the spring and roll it one revolution to tighten it up and then slide the tail of the spring not sitting on the metal hinge into the vertical slot on the gusset welded on the top of the deck, then proceed with pushing the rod through the rest of the spring, other end of the hinge, and last block on the deck.
After that lift up the metal hinge and it will have pressure to snap back down, once that is good then bolt your chute to the hinge.




I don't think we are on the same page, my chute doesn't have a metal plate. all I have is a pin a hinge that bolts to the deck and a spring, with a hook on the one end and abig round end .




here is a pictureMP15552________UN15MAR96.gif




Well dang it that was a different one, but no problem.
Bolt the plate item 13 to your deck with the two carriage bolts item 16.
Align the holes on the chute Item 11 with the blocks in the plate
Start the rod item 12 from the left side, and once you get to the two rod brackets on the chute, they will have the spring item 14 in between them.
Get the rod up to where it is starting there and you have to load the spring, rotate it once around and have someone where you are holding it push the road through and you are done, it is easy peasy just look at it for a second.




got it thanks.
