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storing a riding mower for 1 to 2 years.




I moved and will be storing a riding mower outside at a relative's house.
I am going to drain the tank, run it out of gas and cover it the best I can.
Is there any benefit to use the fogger stuff that outboard engines would use when you store them?
What do I do with the battery? nothing and except I will need a new battery when I get it running again, or can I trickle charge it a few times a year? (that already sounds like too much trouble for a $60 battery)




outside at a relative's house.

Got to do something about mice and rust just to name two.

Plastic tank? I would fill her up with 2 stroke to the top. Just to keep the plastic from drying out.

Boat style fogging oil in the cylinder/s. Or fill them to the top with SAE 30w. Just remember what you did last year or two as it will be hydro-locked. Remember to pull the plug/s out when you are ready to use it.

Battery on a tender for monthly top-offs. Tire dress the tires a plenty, both sides. Mower jacked up off the ground. Wax the deck. Used oil on the under side of the deck and blade. Old paint brush and pan will help here. Silicone spray anything suspect from mother nature. Or use white lithium spray. Pull the battery out of the mower.
