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Sthil FS 38 backfires




Had my Stihl FS 38 in storage for two years. No gas in tank but some in primer bowl. Added gas and no start up. Thought carb was the issue. Replace carb with OEM Zamba. Tried to start and it began to back fire ( exhaust port and intake port) . Checked coil and tested good. Installed new Stihil Oem coil and the backfires continued and it did not run. Did not look into the shear pin as it ran perfectly before it was stored. Any ideas as were to probe next.




Make sure the exhaust port isn't been clogged with the remains of critters or carbon buildup. A plugged exhaust will cause backpressure and popping out the intake.




Also make sure you installed the correct ignition coil. It and the crankshaft timing were changed back in 2001.




Make sure the exhaust port isn't been clogged with the remains of critters or carbon buildup. A plugged exhaust will cause backpressure and popping out the intake.
Check exhaust port it was clear




Also make sure you installed the correct ignition coil. It and the crankshaft timing were changed back in 2001.
Thanks, I will research the OEM coil that I bought. How ever it back fired with the original coil that tested good on the bench. Thoughts on the flywheel shear pin? ( It was running perfect before storage) Thanks for your tip



Auto Doc's

Had my Stihl FS 38 in storage for two years. No gas in tank but some in primer bowl. Added gas and no start up. Thought carb was the issue. Replace carb with OEM Zamba. Tried to start and it began to back fire ( exhaust port and intake port) . Checked coil and tested good. Installed new Stihil Oem coil and the backfires continued and it did not run. Did not look into the shear pin as it ran perfectly before it was stored. Any ideas as were to probe next.
First thought is loosening the muffler and see if it will fire up. Bugs love to build nests inside these mufflers. For mufflers like this, I usually heat them red hot with a torch to burn out the carbon residue and any nests that build up over time. If air cannot get out, air cannot get in.

Next, pull the spark plug out, then remove the crank cover. Rotate the flywheel slowly and verify the magnet is just reaching the coil as the piston reaches the top. If the magnet is out of position, it will need a flywheel because the shear key is part of the casting.

I know you said it was running when stored, but I've seen strange things like this happen before.

The other possibility is just a bad plug. Attach files
