Start Stop module solution for Cub Cadet


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2022
1724093516452.jpegFor all of you who have mowers that have this electronic module (XT1, XT2, and several others....and may apply to other modules that use a plastic start stop key...), you'll be pleased to note that the key tip has a small magnet that pulls in a reed switch so that the entire mower functions. But, as engineers are wont to do, they just captured the magnet in the existing hole by heat forming a plastic retaining ring over it, not thinking that the plastic ring over the magnet will wear out quickly and allow the magnet to just fall out (mower in question had just 12 hours and the key was already worn that badly). Bam! All of a sudden your mower will not start, no hours appear when the button is pushed....nothing works at all. Period.

If this happens to you you'll have to buy another key with a magnet for appx $15. And if you're really lucky, like my friend, you'll have been keeping the key in your steel tool cabinet and the magnet will have stuck to the wall of one of the drawers it was in. Then it's just a matter of gluing it back in with cyanoacrylate.

Don't become a parts cannon just shooting parts at your problem, examine all the fine details and work the problem logically.

Yer welcome. :cool: