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Stand On mowers....




What are the advantages of these stand on machines? I know that suspension has come along way since my now 12 yr old (2002) Hustler FasTrack Z that has all the comfort of a buckboard, but my and my wife's back can't take this much longer and standing is often better and many things (even my desk is a stand up desk). Looked at video on Toro GrandStand and others. I'd appreciate some experienced advice or thoughts on these.




What are the advantages of these stand on machines? I know that suspension has come along way since my now 12 yr old (2002) Hustler FasTrack Z that has all the comfort of a buckboard, but my and my wife's back can't take this much longer and standing is often better and many things (even my desk is a stand up desk). Looked at video on Toro GrandStand and others. I'd appreciate some experienced advice or thoughts on these.

Well what would you like to know? I run and use the 36" Grandstand and I can tell you if your wife is having problems with her back buy the Grandstand. The Flex Ride platform gives you a fantastic ride and is far superior to any other Stander or ZTR. I start mowing at 7:30am and get off the mower at noon and I can walk away and not hurt a bit unlike the ztr that beat me to death and I mow six days a week with my business. I can also tell you there far more maneuverable and productive than a ztr.




My 36" Grandstand is a very comfy ride as well. My JD 652R is not as cushy but it too rides nice and smooth. The Toro has a better cut (Turboforce deck) but the Deere stays better on hills since you stand directly over the drive wheels. It also seems like taller operators are more comfortable on the standers than a sit down.




My 36" Grandstand is a very comfy ride as well. My JD 652R is not as cushy but it too rides nice and smooth. The Toro has a better cut (Turboforce deck) but the Deere stays better on hills since you stand directly over the drive wheels. It also seems like taller operators are more comfortable on the standers than a sit down.

I believe the JD Stander is made by or is a Wright Stander painted green.
