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Snow in the UK!




It's been pretty hard going here for a while with the unusual amount of snow. It seems the whole country grinds to a halt when we get any amount of snow, with transport and schools being badly affected.

Things were already pretty crazy for me so this has added to the confusion, hoping for a respite.:frown:




Ah, the delights of white snow. At least it's December and the holiday season. That is the best time to have some of that snowy presence.




Ah, the delights of white snow. At least it's December and the holiday season. That is the best time to have some of that snowy presence.

Before I retired, I drove heavy trucks in the winter and worked outside a lot. The weather doesn't bother me much now as I only have to go out and deal with in when I want to...most days. Hey what is a Christman season WITHOUT snow, anyhow?




I so agree that it will be great to have snow at christmas. Just have to hope we also have roads open and food in the shops :laughing:.

It's been getting a bit slushy and grey looking but there is more on the way so we shall see. I also like it better when I don't have to go out unless I choose to.
