My snapper yard cruiser zero turn has the single joy stick control it moves slow when going forward its not bogging down and climbs hills fine but is just slow, moves probably twice as fast in reverse and when turning left or right turns quickly its just when going forward its slow. any ideas what could cause this?
did it just start suddenly? is anything stopping the stick from going all the way forward? The only issue I ever had with mine was at one point it started only going left! A bolt had vibrated loose, once I replaced it, it was good to go. If nothing is wrong with the cables for the stick... then you have to look at the hydros.
it just slowly got worse is there a way to adjust the cables it seems like maybe the hydros are not opening all the way
if you look under the right side body work you can see the cables... I have a hard time believing they would both get loose at the same time. It would seem the mower would not go straight. I dont know a lot about the workings of the hydro tranny's... specifically I dont know how they limit the speed in reverse. Has anyone worked on this? It might be worth it to take it to the dealer to see what they say. The owners manual has a section on adjusting the joystick. Are you sure it does not have a drive belt that is slipping?
ok i feel like an idiot now:confused2: after looking under the right side body panel and getting my daughter to slowly move the joy stick i noticed the back of the control was hitting the the top of the panel after a little more searching i found the panel had worked its self loose and had dropped down in the front about an inch so after placing panel back in place and tighting it down mower is back to top speed,
thanks for the replys
i think he means its not a single joystick control but like most ztr has the 2 handlebars
Make sure you have the bars in neutral
make sure brake is on, my snapper will not do anything if parking brake is not on
if that does not help please comment with what it is doing and be as specific as you can
Hi there, I am having trouble with a snapper yard cruiser also. It doesn't want to turn to the right very good at all. Anyone with a solution would have my ever lasting appreciation
Hi there, I am having trouble with a snapper yard cruiser also. It doesn't want to turn to the right very good at all. Anyone with a solution would have my ever lasting appreciation
My old zrider did that.. turned out the cable where it connects to the hydro had come loose. Mine was the joystick version ... if you have the twin handles, your linkage may be different. In any case your should be able to follow the linkage to the hydros to see what is going on.