Snapper Pro 52" with 23.5 Kawasaki versus Exmark Pioneer S with same Kawasaki engine
Need to replace the above Exmark ZT (due to a $#@#!! theft!) and the retail price difference is substantial between Exmark ($7880) and Snapper ($6600).
I had used the Exmark commercially for 2 years, no issues except front tires continually went flat.
Belts came off a couple of times, no worries to thump them back into place, Chains on floating deck got tangled, no issue.
I will always get a Kawasaki engine, no Kohler, so no difference there.
Engine size is fine for our large flat yards.
No difference I can see between the decks.
No difference I can see between spindles.
No difference between drives I can see.
I do like the no flat tires on the Snapper and the shorter front forks.
I don't like the electric blade engage (Snapper) versus the simpler mechanical engage (Exmark) - seems the electric will be more maintenance intensive.
Any appreciable difference between these two mowers?
I will purchase the Snapper unless I gather a sound reason not to.
Re: Snapper Pro 52" with 23.5 Kawasaki versus Exmark Pioneer S with same Kawasaki eng
Both machines have electromagnetic clutches for blade engagement. Kohler ZT720 engine on Pioneer S 52" deck.
How did the chains holding the deck get tangled?:confused2:
Re: Snapper Pro 52" with 23.5 Kawasaki versus Exmark Pioneer S with same Kawasaki eng
No big deal. Ran over a hump, deck lifted, one of the 4 chains tangled up on itself, lifted that corner of the deck. I figured out what was going on, straightened the chain out. Minor stuff.
I just see that the Snapper is at least as good, if not better than, the Exmark. I've read of dealers who sold 80 units per year not selling them anymore due to warranty changes and much higher prices. I noticed lately that my local dealer where I bought my Exmark strangely has fewer mowers on his front sales area.
Will buy the Snapper (in another state) if no good reason not to. Got a local repair shop with a good reputation.