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Snapper NXT Electrical Problems




I have a 2012 NXT which has been very trouble free. I've mowed a few times this year already, with no problems. This week though I tried to start if and it appeared to be dead. I pulled out my jumper box and boosted it off. It started fine, but the display screen was screwy. It kept showing different settings for everything, blinking and such, regardless if they were accurate. Needing my lawn mowed, I thought, oh well, I'll deal with that later, and proceeded to hit the yard. I mowed one 50 foot swath and the mower started acting up, the idle fluctuated and it sputtered, then it died. I grabbed the jumper box again, this time I couldn't bring it back to life. The ignition switch wouldn't light up or the screen. So I push it back into the garage. Today I take the battery off to have it tested. It tested bad so I bought a new one, installed it, and still no juice. The ignition switch and screen still wont turn on. Does anyone have any thoughts?



