Hi All, I have an old Snapper I 524 that was given to me. It was a wreck. I put some love into it, And now, Its a beast. I would like to go a little further with it and put electric start and an alternator on it. A couple questions:
1: Does the flywheel have a ring gear on it?
2: Does the block have the embossing on it for the starter to bolt right on?
3: Does the recoil have to come off for these installations?
I don't want to remove the recoil because I fear of snapping the heads off on the the bolts on top that hold the recoil on and go thru the head.
The engine is a Tecumseh HS50 67266H serial 818CB. Thanks for your advise , Matt.
Flywheel should have the ring gear.
Yes, holes for starter are there, but you may have to tap them.
Should be able to install charging system if you can find one.
Yes, you will need to remove shroud to make installations.
Just a reminder, this can get very expensive. Starter will be 120 VAC, so there is no need for charging system unless you want to install a light. If you decide not to install a charging system, there is no reason to remove the shroud.
Yes I want to get the 120 volt starter and I want to get the alternator for a light (maybe even hand grip heaters?) I think the alternator attaches to the outside of the recoil . I have to remove the black cap and a little rod sticks into the top of the flywheel to get the spinning motion. No charging system involved. I will have to be searching Ebay. Thanks!