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Scotts 1642 H Riding Lawnmower- Carb Keeps Flooding




I'm in desperate need of some help. My Scotts 1642H Riding lawnmower cranks but doesn't start. The carburetor keeps filling with fuel. The solenoid in the bottom bowl is good. How can I keep it from flooding ? Thanks.




Get us the model number info for the engine so we can see what you are working on. It would be hard to give advice without knowing which one of the 50,000 carbs you have.




Sorry about that.Kohler Command CV 16S




You will need to remove the the carb, clean out all the passages, and install a carb kit to repair the leak.




Thanks for the help. :smile:




cleaned carb and reinstalled starting but long crank time now when operating if let all the way off break engine stalls and when engaging blades engine stalls any suggestions thank you




cleaned carb and reinstalled starting but long crank time now when operating if let all the way off break engine stalls and when engaging blades engine stalls any suggestions thank you

A couple of things come to mind - I have an S2348 -

If carb is now clean and functioning (which is questionable since you say it takes a long crank - is that even with the choke engaged?), then I'm not sure that is the cause of the engine stalling when you engage the PTO or let off the brake.

Every so often, mine dies when I let off the brake or engage the PTO - and in my case - it was the seat switch that was causing this. The previous owner had pulled the switch and manually depressed the button and taped with several twists of black electrical tape. over time, the tape stretched and the switch wasn't registering that it was pressed. I unwrapped, and re-did it - and the problem went away...

Then - last month, it started the same symptom - and redoing the tape fixed it.

If your seat switch is still installed properly and you are getting this issue - it might be that the switch is going bad and/or is not getting fully depressed. I have read and heard from many that seat switches are notorious issues with most brands of mowers.

Now - IF you still have carb issues - one thing to try before pulling it and going back through it - pour some SeaFoam directly in the carb and let it sit a while, then add a couple ounces to the gas in the tank. The stuff has sometimes worked miracles for me and carb'ed engines. I like to run a bit in my gas at least a couple times per season.

Also - If the gas you are putting in your mower has ethanol in it (99% of gas sold), it IS causing issues. Be sure you are running a treatment specifically for Ethanol... Either Sta-Bil for Ethanol, or Lucas Oil's Ethanol gas treatment. It helps to somewhat neutralize the harmful side of Ethanol and stabilize the fuel.
