Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key


Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2013
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
I just got this mower and I replaced starter solenoid and it still won't start but if I jump to the starter wire with a screw driver or a wire from battery it turns over.. So I figured it was starter solenoid and replaced it and it still does same thing do I need to like step on the brake or press a different button I tried everything I figured I would just need to turn key and starter would kick on but it didn't ... Someone please help I am new to ride on mowers


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
Here is an electrical troubleshooting procedure that might help you.

Electrical* problems can be very easy or very difficult, depending on four things.
1. * How well you understand basic electricity.
2. *What tools you have and know how to use.
3. *How well you follow directions.
4. *You don't overlook or assume anything and verify everything.

Remember we cannot see what you are doing. *You are our eyes, ears and fingers in solving this problem. *You must be as accurate as you can when you report back. *The two basic tools we will ask you to use are a test light and a multi-meter. *If you have an assistant when going through these tests it would be very helpful. *These steps work the best when done in order, so please don't jump around. *Now let's solve this problem.

First, check the fuse(s), check battery connections for corrosion (clean if necessary) and *voltage - above 12.5 volts should be good.*

Second, check for power from the battery to one of the large terminals on the solenoid. *One of the wires is connected directly to the battery and has power all the time so one of the large terminals should light a test light or show 12 volts on a meter at all times.*

Third, *check for power at the small terminal of the solenoid while depressing the clutch/brake pedal and holding the key in the start position (you may need an assistant to sit in the seat to override the safety switch). If your solenoid is a four wire solenoid, check both small wire terminals as one is ground and the other is power from the ignition switch. *If your solenoid is a three wire solenoid, make sure the solenoid body is not corroded where it bolts to the chassis of the mower as this is your ground path back to the battery. *If in doubt, remove the solenoid and clean the mounting area down to bare metal. *If there is no power to the small terminal then your problem is most likely a safety switch, ignition switch or in the wiring.*

Fourth, check for power on the other large terminal of the solenoid while holding the key in the start position (you may need an assistant to sit in the seat to override the safety switch). *If you have power what is the voltage?

Fifth, check for power at the starter while holding the key in the start position (assistant again). *If you have power what is the voltage?

Sixth, check your ground circuit back to the battery.

After you have gone through each of the above steps, let us know what happened when you did each step. *At that point we will have great info to tell you how to proceed. *Remember you are our eyes, ears, and fingers, so please be as accurate as possible.

Be as specific as possible with voltage readings as this will help diagnose your problem quicker. *If you do not know how to perform the above checks, just ask and I will try to guide you through it. *Youtube also has some videos and as you know a picture is worth a thousand words.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
...and number 5: If you have a schematic of your wiring system.


Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2013
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet but I have another issue I pulled off rear wheel and lost??? I think there was a woodruff key on axel so I wanted to know where I get one and what size?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2011
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet but I have another issue I pulled off rear wheel and lost??? I think there was a woodruff key on axel so I wanted to know where I get one and what size?

I can't help with the electrical issue, but as far as the woodruff key, I would carefully take off the other side and use that key to match up with one at HD or hardware store. Good luck and keep us posted.


Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2013
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
Ok so I did mess with mower a little bit today so the solenoid works but the key switch is messed up or I am not doing something I know I need to be sitting on the seat to. Start mower but I am not sure if I am suppose to press brake because I tried that and still had nothing.. So today I used a wire and jumped from battery to the solenoid I put wire on the wire that is suppose to be the momentary switch part of the ignition and starter turned so I am having a issue with wiring from key to soleniod I believe so I was thinking of just trying to figure out a wiring schematic and basically rewire the momentary switch maybe or check for breaks


Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2013
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
Oh and as for the wheels it wasn't a woodruff key it was a square rod and Home Depot had them in their hardware section where all the nuts and bolts are located fyi


Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2013
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
So earlier I used a test light turned the key to start and no power was coming back to starter solenoid so then I jumped a wire to the thin white connection on the right and starter tuned so solenoid is good but wires are bad somewhere


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
Stenny, try this troubleshooting procedure to pinpoint your problem.

Electrical* problems can be very easy or very difficult, depending on four things.
1. * How well you understand basic electricity.
2. *What tools you have and know how to use.
3. *How well you follow directions.
4. *You don't overlook or assume anything and verify everything.

Remember we cannot see what you are doing. *You are our eyes, ears and fingers in solving this problem. *You must be as accurate as you can when you report back. *The two basic tools we will ask you to use are a test light and a multi-meter. *If you have an assistant when going through these tests it would be very helpful. *These steps work the best when done in order, so please don't jump around. *Now let's solve this problem.

First, check the fuse(s), check battery connections for corrosion (clean if necessary) and *voltage - above 12.5 volts should be good.*

Second, check for power from the battery to one of the large terminals on the solenoid. *One of the wires is connected directly to the battery and has power all the time so one of the large terminals should light a test light or show 12 volts on a meter at all times.*

Third, *check for power at the small terminal of the solenoid while depressing the clutch/brake pedal and holding the key in the start position (you may need an assistant to sit in the seat to override the safety switch). If your solenoid is a four wire solenoid, check both small wire terminals as one is ground and the other is power from the ignition switch. *If your solenoid is a three wire solenoid, make sure the solenoid body is not corroded where it bolts to the chassis of the mower as this is your ground path back to the battery. *If in doubt, remove the solenoid and clean the mounting area down to bare metal. *If there is no power to the small terminal then your problem is most likely a safety switch, ignition switch or in the wiring.*

Fourth, check for power on the other large terminal of the solenoid while holding the key in the start position (you may need an assistant to sit in the seat to override the safety switch). *If you have power what is the voltage?

Fifth, check for power at the starter while holding the key in the start position (assistant again). *If you have power what is the voltage?

Sixth, check your ground circuit back to the battery.

After you have gone through each of the above steps, let us know what happened when you did each step. *At that point we will have great info to tell you how to proceed. *Remember you are our eyes, ears, and fingers, so please be as accurate as possible.

Be as specific as possible with voltage readings as this will help diagnose your problem quicker. *If you do not know how to perform the above checks, just ask and I will try to guide you through it. *Youtube also has some videos and as you know a picture is worth a thousand words.


Forum Newbie
Jun 8, 2013
  • / Scott ride on by john Deere starter won't turn over when I turn the key
I am sorry I thought I got back on here so I took another wack at it later on in the day and I started checking safety switches and I found two mangled wires that go to the blade safety switch so I cut the broken parts out and crimped new wires in place and I checked to see if that fixed the problem and it did thank god.. Thank you all for the help it really helped me a lot I can't express how much I appreciate the time and of fort you took to help me out and the knowledge you know man thanks again and it is fixed. Also now I have two starter solenoid a I need to sell one is brand new still in the box it fits lots of models or john Deere and Scott's