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Scag Ttiger Cat II - Looks like I dropped a Pump Drive Spring?




Hello to all,

I need some help advice. I have a two year old Scag Tiger Cat II. Never had a minutes trouble, but today was out mowing and I felt something "give away or snap" All of the sudden the mower stopped moving and now will not move forward or reverse. Engine Runs, PTO runs, but no movement. In trying to inspect the mower I found a gargantuan black spring on the ground just behind the mower. The belt looks to be intact and does not appear to have come off. Doing some research, it looks like this might be the pump drive spring, and I am thinking this is why the mower stopped and would not move when using the handles? Has anyone replaced one of these? Any special tools needed, and is this a fairly simple fix or an all day "fighting the mower" repair?

Thanks to all!





Most like you need a strong spring hook tool to reconnect the spring though the IPL does show a square that a pull bar and extension can put in to pull the arm against the spring tension but that may a second set hands to get the belt on the idler pulley.




A trick I’ve used when I don’t have a spring hook available is a good length of #5 starter rope to hook into the spring end. Most times it’s easier than a hook, due to obstructions in the way. I’m able to put more pull on the rope and tie it off somewhere when no assistant is available. Just another odd tool doing an odd job in my tool box.




A trick I’ve used when I don’t have a spring hook available is a good length of #5 starter rope to hook into the spring end. Most times it’s easier than a hook, due to obstructions in the way. I’m able to put more pull on the rope and tie it off somewhere when no assistant is available. Just another odd tool doing an odd job in my tool box.
Thank you very much! That will certainly help me out in this endeavor!






Most like you need a strong spring hook tool to reconnect the spring though the IPL does show a square that a pull bar and extension can put in to pull the arm against the spring tension but that may a second set hands to get the belt on the idler pulley.
Thank you very much! I am going to go get a new spring tomorrow, they said they would warranty it for me. All I gotta do now is get it on there! LOL Thanks again!

