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Replacing LTX 1045 Steering Shaft




I’m trying to keep a 2008 Cub LTX 1045 going one more season. For the first 10 years of life the mower had an easy half-acre job. The last two it has had to contend with 3+ acres. It is more than it can truly handle and a more capable zero-turn is on the horizon.
Long story short...

Steering problems. Have replaced bushing twice and now even with new bushing, I clearly see the steering shaft is worn away. I have a new shaft and I’m running into the problem of removing the steering wheel from the shaft even with bolt removed as well as trying to pull the shaft out of the “console”. There are no other bolts or screws attaching it and the wheel is not letting go of the shaft.
I hope the pictures post so you have a better idea what I’m dealing with.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!





Penetrating oil, punch, and a big hammer. If that shaft has the steering gear on the bottom it may have to come out from underneath after removing the steering wheel from the shaft.
