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replacement engine even available?




I used Snapper Hi-Vac mowers for several seasons of working for a lawn service when out of school in the summers.They were nearly indestructable.Now(decade later)I have my own place and for the last six or seven years I have bought a new (cheap) mowerevery couple of years.My last one blew up the last mowing last year.
So when I saw this on the side of the road for sale I had to stop.It looks like a late seventies or early eightys model.
I started it and tested the self propel,blade engagement and let it run for about five minutes and gave the guy 150 dollars for it.I didn't like the big plastic"pac-n-sac" so I found a regular bag and chute on E-bay for 40.dollars with shipping.
So I go to use it the first time.I primed it and it started on the first pull.I started mowing and after about three minutes it died.It started back easily and ran for about six or seven minutes and quit again.Then it wouldn't start back.
My question is will it be possible to find a new replacement engine that will adapt to the self propel and the odd shape of the deck(where the motor mounts).Or even better,what is causing it to die?Any info or advice would be much appreciated.:frown:




Can you give sun all the numbers off the engine and let us do a little research?




Thanks Rivets.I will look for the numbers after work today.Where on the engine should I be able to find the numbers?




On the blower housing above the spark plug or on the side of the blower housing closest to the bagger attachment according to your picture.




It's a Tecumseh engine.On the front of it are the numbers(and letters):
TV5105530690 SER. 5240A
The Snapper Model number is 21402P
Today I borrowed the mower from work, but for the heck of it I started the Snapper and it ran for a couple minutes.I restarted it and it seemed to be only running from the prime I gave it(although it didn't feel like the primer was working because it felt as though I was only pumping air)It died in about a minute.
After I was done mowing with the borrowed mower I started the Snapper again and it ran for 17 minutes before it died.I had the blade engaged and the self propel pulling up a hill that the borrowed mower wouldn't.As I was going to shut it off it died as I was walking toward it.I could see that when it died,there was a spark(arc) over the spark plug boot.
Regardless, unless I can figure out what's causing it,I need to know if I can find an engine to replace it.
Thanks again.




C'mon guys,help me out, please.I know some of you guys know what I need.:frown:




Your model engine number is; TVS105-53069D. Do an Internet search for Tecumseh replacement engines and contact the listed companies to see if they have a replacement engine available. Make sure you use the above number. Good luck




Hey,thanks again Rivets.




Tecumseh has been out of business for about 4 years now. You should be able to mount a briggs or honda on that mower as long as the crankshaft size and length is the same. May need to get longer throttle cable if too short to connect to new engine due to different throttle position




I doubt you need a new engine. It sounds as if the engine is mechanically sound. But to be sure, do a compression check immediately after the engine quits. If it is good, and it isn't bellowing smoke out of the exhaust, then you've got a fuel delivery or spark issue. You may need nothing more than a carb rebuild or ignition module.




I doubt you need a new engine. It sounds as if the engine is mechanically sound. But to be sure, do a compression check immediately after the engine quits. If it is good, and it isn't bellowing smoke out of the exhaust, then you've got a fuel delivery or spark issue. You may need nothing more than a carb rebuild or ignition module.

I agree w/mullins87, sounds like it may be a fuel issue. An established local dealer may still have some Tecumseh parts. A good carburetor cleaning may do the trick.

Good luck!
