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Maybe some of ya'll have seen this, maybe not, but it still holds your interest !! .. No doubt that this is NOT their first "rodeo" enjoy the spider like guy having a good time working...





For sure that tree was a disaster waiting to happen. Hemmed in by the street and sidewalk and just a monster tree. Surprised it was still standing. Probably cost a few bucks to get that down unless the city was taking care of it. That guy can sure use a chain saw for sure. Chuck Norris would have done it with a hand saw and no crane.




For sure that tree was a disaster waiting to happen. Hemmed in by the street and sidewalk and just a monster tree. Surprised it was still standing. Probably cost a few bucks to get that down unless the city was taking care of it. That guy can sure use a chain saw for sure. Chuck Norris would have done it with a hand saw and no crane.

AND Paul Bunyan woulda just ripped it outa the ground, and threw it outa the way ... :laughing:..:laughing:

B384315_Paul-Bunyan-and-Babe (Medium).jpg


Boudreaux In Eunice La.

Boudreaux In Eunice La.

That tree cost 25 to 30 grand to take down ........ If that is the largest tree in the town then some of that wood should go the sawmill to make lumber and some furniture for the Mayors office LOL.....

Actually some wood sculptures should get some and make some local history stuff from it ............ Furniture is a great idea from a tree that old, the wood grain is so tight on that it's a stable wood for sure.......

I could make some nice Outhouses with that also LOL..............




That tree cost 25 to 30 grand to take down ........ If that is the largest tree in the town then some of that wood should go the sawmill to make lumber and some furniture for the Mayors office LOL.....

Actually some wood sculptures should get some and make some local history stuff from it ............ Furniture is a great idea from a tree that old, the wood grain is so tight on that it's a stable wood for sure.......

I could make some nice Outhouses with that also LOL..............

Well Bou, they actually did make furniture from the tree .. read the story on it .........


Boudreaux In Eunice La.

Boudreaux In Eunice La.

Well Bou, they actually did make furniture from the tree .. read the story on it .........

Ok I'll google it, I didn't see a link for the story behind it anywhere..... I guess I had the right idea ....

Plus Tard Mon Ami ~!~!




Ok I'll google it, I didn't see a link for the story behind it anywhere..... I guess I had the right idea ....

Plus Tard Mon Ami ~!~!

This is PART of the story, ....... https://www.urbanhardwoods.com/the-story/

There was a whole story about it, it had Dutch Elm Disease, lots of back N forth talk about it's removal, I guess the story has faded away..




Maybe some of ya'll have seen this, maybe not, but it still holds your interest !! .. No doubt that this is NOT their first "rodeo" enjoy the spider like guy having a good time working...


Pretty sure that saw hand doesn't make minimum wage. That was one heck of a tree. Glad to see people had the chance to make something from it.




Pretty sure that saw hand doesn't make minimum wage. That was one heck of a tree. Glad to see people had the chance to make something from it.

Well Pumper, back in the ol days, the settlers / pioneers used the trees for building homes, fences, furniture, wagons, water troughs, railroad ties, barrels, bowls, firewood, and lots of other goods, I believe the better grades of hardwoods grew mainly in the big North-West territory .. Oregon, Washington, and Northern Calif. Yeah that "tree-monkey" sure knew his stuff, in fact the whole crew worked in unison, ( damn well better, somebody could get killed very easily, ) nice to watch the pro's do a really good kick-arse job .. Ehhh ..?? ..:thumbsup:..:thumbsup:




Great video. That thing was a beast for sure.

Only one part where a guy on the ground was underneath a huge section of the tree as it was being laid down made me nervous. He sure had a lot of trust in the crane and the rigging.




Great video. That thing was a beast for sure.

Only one part where a guy on the ground was underneath a huge section of the tree as it was being laid down made me nervous. He sure had a lot of trust in the crane and the rigging.

I think you " hit the nail on the head" with the one key word, .. TRUST !! in your co-workers, your equipment, and YOURSELF ! AND, if... In God We Trust, ( please read this very phrase on the money you have ) it always seems things work out best !




Had a couple of fairly good sized pines (for here) taken out a few years ago and the climber was a good one, the company cleaned up the area where they worked so that it looked better then when they started, logs all cut, branches chipper shredded and everything else blown off or removed. One thing I learned from the company owner was those big chippers don't even know if they pull in a worker. He said that a few years before at another job site one guy got snatched up by a limb, pulled into it and all they found was a tennis shoe that came off.

