Hello, Working on a power smart 24 inch snowblower with a let engine. Model number is. Db7651-24. Fiend took carburetor off and cleaned. He put back on and the blower idles great but will not go any higher under load. It does not have a throttle and relies on governor. Tried to run and watch governor but does not move under load. If I grab governor linkage, I can get rpm’s to go up. Governor lever is spring loaded. Triedlct website but is down, perhaps I can call Monday. Typically would I check governor adjustment but opening throttle on carb and setting governor counterclockwise all the way? Thanks for your help.
Loncin 212CC Snow engine.
The Fiend reassembled incorrectly. Go back over the re-installation of the carb.
BTW A Fiend are usually right the opposite of a Friend.
From the picture it appear you are missing both springs if the engine Loncin G210FDS engine.
Item 10 is the main governor spring PN 171600094-0001
Item 14 is the throttle return spring PN 171610002-0001
Now your setup should be more like this as it appears to be a fix speed system. So Item 10 becomes item 3 and Item 14 becomes item 4.
The governor spring is what pulls the throttle vane to wide open and then governor arm 13 push the throttle toward close as the reach the govern speed.
Thank for getting me to find the Loncin G210FDS IPL as I have converted the spreadsheet to a PDF file and added it to my collection of Loncin IPLs and Service Manuals.