Really need the item number off of the tag. Will be 9 digits followed by two digits like a variation number to look up parts correctly. the model number acts more like a series number than a actual model.
961420052 00
Serial number is 041609M 009585
According to Husqvarna that is the correct part number for your mower. Make sure you don't have grass buildup in the engine pulley. I have seen those pack full of old grass and prevent the belt from fitting properly.
it's all clear of build up, I actually just put a Briggs short block on it.
I put the belt around the engine pulley first, then go to the gearbox pulley, seems like it's a 1/2" too short or so.
I just realized something, in that Amazon link the number is 532157769
On the label with the belt I got it's 532196853..
Unless it was superceded.
Should be a 146527->532146527->532157769 is the supercession sequence. the 532196853 is a different belt.
The 532196853 measures 32.25 in whereas the 532157769 is 32.5. 1/4 in longer
so I should go with the 532157769,correct?
Thanks Ilengine!
That is supposed to be the correct belt per several parts diagrams I consulted.
Just ordered one. Thank you very much for the help ILENGINE!:thumbsup:
Still no.....
Got a 3/8 by 33" belt from rotary , worked perfect!!