I've come across the same, or similar situation, the mower started and ran a short time, about 50 ft of mowing, then shut down, needless to say, it didn't start back up, wasn't lacking fuel, but after about 15-20 minutes of cool down, it started back up, but again, didn't run long. Before all this happened, I went through the carb, cleaned it all out, and added fresh gasoline. My next choice of repair to look into is possibly electrical, could it be the coil getting hot, causing this situation?
Years ago, I had the same thing happen to some outboard motors I've worked on.
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I moved your thread to the Small Engine & Mower Repair forum. :smile:
Could be a ignition module breaking down when it gets hot. While need to check for spark after it dies. If you have a fuel solenoid on the carb, they can also break down and cause similar no start situations. Have even seen the plastic tip of some solenoids come off and act like a ping pong ball.
Thank you, I'll make note of those situations. I myself think it's electrical, my brother thinks it's carburation, in which I went through the whole carb already, so I will check for spark after it dies to determine this part. Also, when it does die, just shuts down, there's no sign of lack of fuel, also, the fuel bowl is still full when it does shut down.