Poulan LT7000 weed eater starts, runs for a short time, then dies


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
  • / Poulan LT7000 weed eater starts, runs for a short time, then dies
Line to fuel filter


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Jun 28, 2023
  • / Poulan LT7000 weed eater starts, runs for a short time, then dies
Good morning, I still do not have this unit going. The lines are correct now, it does start and run for a while but only on half choke. After it's been running for about 15 seconds, if I open the choke wide or close it completely, it will die. And saying that, after about a couple of minutes, it will die on its own. I have replaced everything on the carb. I've adjusted the metering tab with a Walbro tool. Still nothing.

So, I'm thinking there is something wrong with the carb itself even though I thought that I've cleaned it out as much as I can. I McGivered a carb onto the unit and it ran fine but it wasn't the same carb at all. If that is the case, I ordered a replacement carb for it from Amazon but when I got it, the throttle cable was too short and didn't see any adjustment for that.

My new question now is, where do I get a carb exactly like the one that is on it. It is marked on the side as WA-218. That crosses to 530-069647 but that is where my problem starts. Both of those numbers on Amazon don't show the same carb as what I need. Our local repair shop wants $120.00CA for a replacement. Researching even more, I find that on mymowerparts.com (https://www.mymowerparts.com/partdetail/1131/25880/21588.php) that it crosses to a Poulan 530-071639. Looking at the picture, the carb looks allot like what I need. That unit is $54.99US and then there will be the 70 bucks US to get it to me in Canada.

Before I abandon this unit, is there anything else that I can do or purchase that isn't going to exceed the cost of the unit?