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Piston wall scarring, how bad is this? Images




Hello, new guy here, I'm not sure as to what year snapper I have and that is probably blasphemy here as I have seen some of the awesome restores you guys have done.

I have been searching around on the forum but I have yet to find anything on engine internals. I just bought this mover last week and cut the yard with it one time. I'm recovering from a torn calf muscle so the ol push mower was not an option.

I tried to start her today and she was giving me problems. Then she seized up, so I removed the cylinder cover and found the beautiful scars you see in the photos.

I started removing other parts because this is the first time I have worked on a lawn mower. (I have done extensive work to pre OBD II cars.) But I thought I could get to the back side of the piston from the top. I now realize I was totally wrong.

But what ever it is scaring the cylinder wall is in behind the piston or caught in the piston rings.

How do I remove the piston? Do I have to remove the engine?

I there a online manual?

Thanks in advance for any and all help.






After reading on this forum a bit more I found and took pics of the serial numbers.





You have to remove the engine and remove the oil pan/sump to get to the rod bolts. From the picture I would say the engine is toast. the side of the piston will look like the cylinder walls.




What would cause this to happen?

Also what are my options on putting a new engine on here?

Like I said, I have worked on cars, swapping out engines, more power arh arh, and what not, so I'm not afraid of Turning a wrench.

Also, it looks like a lot of the restos on here have white engines, did all the 3 series come with white engines?




That engine was built in 1987 and I wouldn't stick a nickel into it. The cause of your problem is dirt ingestion, probably due to poor maintainence. All the oil and dirt in your pics is the reason I say this. I would recommend you search the local repair shops and bone yards to find a replacement engine. I'm sure you can fine a good used one that is in a lot better condition and newer. This manual might help you down the road.

http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/12502267/B&S Service Manuals/01_270962SingleCylinderLHead.pdf




Rivets, thanks for the PDF!

If I can read it, I can build it.. :)




Also, I'm trying to find a manaul on my mower. Am I reading the sticker right? Is the model 25063s?

I can't find a manaul, and looking for an engine replacements seems to be difficult.

Like this site I found for 25066, but there is not a listing for 25063?

And was this mower made in 87 like the engine?

Thanks again, I bummed that it doesn't look like I'll be mowing with this mower soon, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.




Engine failure looks like a cross between dirt ingestion and lack of lubrication failure.
