Paying Homage to Rabbit


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2019
Rabbit was my next door neighbor and the best lawn equipment repairman I've ever known. He recently finished his days work in his shop, ate supper, set in his recliner and passed away. Even though it's been over a month ago, it's just now sinking in he is gone. I am a pretty decent mower mechanic but when I couldn't solve the problem, I would take it to Rabbit and he always handled it with ease. A lot of the time when I would take a mower problem to him that
I couldn't solve, he would explain it to me in a way I could go back home and do it. He worked on everything related to lawn equipment. If you couldn't transport your own equipment, he would pick it up and deliver it when done. A big plus Rabbit always charged very reasonable prices for his work. So me, like a lot of other people around here are thinking, what in the world are we going to do now when I get in a lawn equipment jam??? Rabbit you are truly appreciated and
will be missed greatly!! Bob


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
The older we get, seems the harder it is to lose a friend. I lost two good friends last year. People that you'd actually call a friend. In my time, I've only had 4 actual friends. They leave a void in your life when they pass.
We find ourselves having to think about what they would do in certain situations. And having to think about what they would've done, instead of simply talking to them about it, is the tough part.