Does anyone have pictures of the partner k1200 shut off parts and how it goes together i tried parts diagrams but that area isnt detailed thank you, all that came with the saw is the stop switch and holder
I don't have this saw. If you post pics of the parts and the handle area near the choke, we can figure it out. In the kill position, metal must touch metal at the switch. It's usually a contact spring connecting 2 wires from the coil.
Give that saw a good air compressor blow off. Near the red switch - should be 1 or 2 wires from the coil. Find 16 or 18 gauge wires(s) coming off coil and follow. They may go down below switch - under the retaining pin. When switch is pushed down - a flat band spring will contact 2 wires or 1 wire and metal frame.
If you look on the coil you can see a tab right above where the spark plug wire comes out, I have the wire, it came with the new coil, other then that I'm lost, the stop switch doesn't have any metal connections it's all plastic
PHOTOBUCKET sign obscures coil. Wire goes on tab, then routed in a safe manner to switch. There may be notches or holes that show the route. Pull the pin that the switch rotates around. Look for a metal flat spring under switch - if wire is connected to that spring, when switch is rotated, metal connects metal.
You MAY have to split the yellow handle in half - I dunno. Ask this ? on opeforum or arboristsite - much more saw experience.
I had the handle apart and the plastic switch out I can see where the parts go in the switch I just don't know what parts to order as there gone the slots in the plastic stop switch are empty
If you can't see relevant part #s on the IPL, ask on opeforum or arboristsite. Someone will have done it.
The contact spring PN 503 40 17-01 is NLA. The coil kill to switch kill wire assembly is still available PN 503 52 50-01
Good job, AVB. How's southern TN doing?
Pretty dead repairs wise. Kinda glad though as I am recouping from nearly stroking out 3 months ago. Now I am dizzy as heck some days from the blood pressure meds. Anyway 140/98 is way better then the 250/120 it was when I got carried to the horsepital because I was losing control of my left side completely.